What is the Scramble Game activity?
Make a sentence out of words or a word out of letters
The aim of the Scramble Game is to put together a sentence from words or a word from letters, to be selected and put back in the same order. Beware, trick words or letters may be hidden in the answers given! The learner must therefore take care to find the correct answer for each question and to reconstruct it within the time allowed.
Academic purpose
The Scramble Game is a knowledge-anchoring game. It allows the learner to better retain and assimilate concepts, acronyms or product names when it is a question of reforming words from letters. When a sentence is formed from words, the Scramble Game can also be used to learn a language, to anchor a company statement, a product tagline or a sales pitch.
Suitable for Badge, Score, Shake'n'Learn features: yes
Live!: yes
Available medias: no media
Web app compatible: yes
- Timer
- Score, in the form of a progress bar.
- Only 1 correct solution per step (you have to choose the correct letters in the right order or the correct words in the right order to pass the step)
- There are no character limitations on this activity. Recommendations are given, never blocking.
Customizable items:
- Title introduction card
- Text introduction card
- Duration of the game
- Number of questions per game session
- Number of questions to be answered correctly to validate the activity
- Background image: 750x660 px; .png/.jpg
- Order of appearance of the questions
- Title conclusion card
- Text conclusion card in case of no mistakes / pass / fail
Module type: Training Path
How to create a Scramble Game activity with the web authoring?
To learn more about creating an activity, read the article "How to create course content for the first time".
The web authoring tool for the Scramble Game activity is composed of three tabs:
- "Content: allows you to edit the content of your activity (questions, answers, trick words)
- "Parameters: allows you to configure your activity (expected score, duration, etc.).
- "Graphic Design: allows you to add a background image to your activity.
1. Content creation:
Type your question, and select the expected type of answer: "Sentence" or "Word".
Type the correct answer in the "Correct answer" cell: the "Preview" field is automatically updated with all the bricks representing the words or letters which will then be presented to the learner in a random order
Add trap words: trap words are optional, and are used to trick the learner. If you have chosen the "Word" answer type, the trap words are automatically cut out letter by letter in separate bricks. The letters in the correct answer are not replicated.
"Sentence" answer type:
"Word" answer type:
💡 Tip: If you want to put several letters or words in one brick, you can put them in inverted commas. They will automatically be grouped together.
How to complete the Excel® design matrix for the Scramble Game activity?
All activities can be downloaded from:
by clicking on Activity templates at the top right of the screen.
They can also be downloaded from the course editing page.
Note: It is advisable to download the design templates regularly, or even every time you use them, as they are frequently updated.
The Excel® design matrices for the Scramble Game activity have three tabs:
- Instruction: to find out how to complete the content of your matrix.
- Configuration: to set up your activity (score, duration, background...).
- Cards: to add your content (questions, answers, trick words).
Note: The Scramble Game does not have characters limitation, therefore you will only see orange dots that indicate that you have exceed the characters recommendation. However this recommendation is not blocking when uploading your Excel file in the Mission Center for testing or publication.
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