Publication date : 2021-03-08
New features
- You can now schedule communications to be sent whenever you want. It is the moment to organize and optimize your community management time! For example, do you want to promote new content or a new product to your learning community? Schedule your various publications on this theme all at once, spread over several weeks! (NB: With the "Business Intelligence" option, you can even schedule your communications at the times when your learners consult them the most!)
A simple popup to schedule a communication
A scheduled communication
- You already had the possibility to create direct links to training courses, activities and Wall communications… You can now create links to your categories, sub-categories and Toolboxes! A simple way to direct your learners straight to relevant content, at the right time. Are you not yet a direct links expert? Do not hesitate to have a (second) look at our article Nine best practices to recruit and retain your learners via link sharing.
Direct link from a Wall communication to a sub-category
Direct link from a Wall communication to a Toolbox - Are you using the Manager add-on? Good news! It is now translated into all the languages available in the application. You are not using it yet? You should take a look at this Manager add-on video.
- For off-the-shelf contents users, an automatic email will be sent to both the content publisher and the consumer when the number of learners viewing a course has exceeded the number of learners configured when sending the course.
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