The training game is a special case when it comes to calculating the score which differs from calculating other activities scores.
This is because due to the fact that there can be a negative result if the learner only gives false and neutral answers.
As a reminder,
A correct answer gives 1 point
A neutral answer gives 0 point
A wrong answer gives -1 point (-1000 if the question is eliminatory)
Here is an example :
The total number of questions is 6 (nb_total_questions = 6).
The pass threshold is 5 (pass_threshold = 5).
The failure threshold is -2 (failure_threshold = -2).
Correct answers give 1 point (+1).
Neutral answers give 0 points (0).
4 of the wrong answers subtract 1 point (-1).
2 wrong answers are eliminatory and subtract 1000 points (-1000)
Let us call result the value obtained by the learner after having finished the activity (because it is not the number of points that he obtains at the end of the activity).
The score is determined as follows:
- case 1: if the learner's result is >=0:
score = 50 + ((result / nb_total_questions) x 50)
- case 2: if the learner's result is < 0:
score = 50 - ((result / nb_total_questions) x 50)
If the score thus calculated is negative, we force it to 0
If the learner is in case 1: he has a result of 4, because he obtained 4 correct answers and 2 neutral answers.
His score is calculated as follows:
learner score = 50 + ((4/6) * 50) = 83.33%
And if we calculate the score necessary to pass the activity:
pass score = 50 + ((5/6) * 50) = 91.66%
It is therefore necessary to obtain a score of 91.66% to validate the activity.
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