Do you have several managers to create and want to avoid doing it manually, one by one? Then this article is for you!
> ADMINISTRATION / Managers > Import
Where to download the file?
Click on You can download a sample CSV file here
Your file resumes:
- email, manager's email
- username, login to connect
- password, password
- statusActive, set the account status: Y for Yes / N for No
You must then assign the rights to your managers:
Title | Description | How to complete |
roleAnalyst | Can view reports | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleAuthor | Can create content | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleLearnerManager | Can access the learners section | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleTrainingManager | Can create training courses | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleTrainer | Can create and manage Live! sessions (if the Live! feature is enabled) | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleCatalogManager | Can manage the catalog (both training courses and categories) | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleCommunicationManager | Can send communications | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleAdminManager | Can create managers | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleTrainingPublisher | Can publish training courses | Y for Yes / N for No |
rolePerimeterTrainer | Can view Live! sessions in the perimeter (if the Live! feature is enabled) | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleContentLicenseProvider | Can generate content licenses (if the Off-the-shelf contents functionality is enabled) | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleContentLicenseImporter | Can import content licenses (if the Off-the-shelf contents functionality is enabled) | Y for Yes / N for No |
rolePublisherManager | Can manage publishers (if the Off-the-shelf contents functionality is enabled) | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleLearnersMassDeleter | Can delete learners massively | Y for Yes / N for No |
roleCommentsModerator | Can moderate comments | Y for Yes / N for No |
Finally, assign them a population of learners by completing the cells corresponding to the custom fields. These are columns whose title begins with "meta". Remember to fill in the value as it exists in the Mission Center, or as it will be used later (for example, for a manager who has to manage learners from the United Kingdom, you will need to know the associated value: UNITED KINGDOM, or UK.)
How to save the file?
If you use your own Excel® file, check to save it correctly in CSV UTF-8 format:
- Open your Excel® file containing your learners list
- Go to the "File" tab
- Click on "Save as" and select the file type "CSV (separator: semicolon)", then click on "Save"
- To encode your CSV file in UTF-8, open it in a text editor: Notepad on Windows (Start Menu> All Programs> Accessories> Notepad) or TextWrangler on Mac.
- Click on the "File" menu, then "Save as" and in the drop-down list "Encode", select "UTF-8". It is absolutely necessary to choose the semicolon as separator, commas, even in UTF-8, is not working.
- After saving it, your file is encoded in UTF-8: you can upload it to the Mission Center.
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