Availability date: 2-10-2020
In the Mission Center, in the edition of an activity with the web authoring tool, in the media management popup, we have added the possibility to delete a media fila via a Trash bin button. Thanks to this, you can now remove any type of media in any activity. NB: This possibility already existed in the version of the Mission Center working only with Excel® templates (the "Old School" is sometimes good!).
The layout used in apps to display a quote (in a card or article) is now also used in Mission Center. #WYSIWYG
We used to give managers the ability to delete tutorial cards that are by default in a Flash Game. This caused an error in the Mission Center when publishing the training course. Since these cards are actually part of the game, we have removed this possibility.
On the communications reporting page, a popup now appears when the mouse hovers the link of a communication, if you click on the link, the communication page opens. Boom!
Fixed issues
In the content editing interface, blocks (texts, images, sound ...) sometimes had problems. When this happened, it was no longer possible to edit the card, delete it, or export it as an Excel® file. We fixed this.
Some time ago, we changed the way to record the score made by learners in web activities. As a result, two learners who did the same activity at different times could have the same score, but the activity was successful for one and not for the other. This is now fixed. Same score, same success!
When importing a large learner file a "lock wait time out" error could occur, we have made sure that it does not happen anymore.
A bug was hidden in the Mission Center, on the learner ranking-by-communications page. When changing the period with the date selector, the leaderboard was not updated. We have tracked down the bug and the leaderboard is now updating properly.
On just one unique training course in just one unique Mission Center in the entire history of Teach on Mars, the export button in the "Educational reports" tab has become inactive for no reason. We fixed this button, and continued to work on the other bugs and improvements to make our customers happy.
Before, when a manager sent a video communication and the video upload encountered a problem, the communication was blocked. From now on, the video communication will go back to "Draft". The manager can upload their video again, then send their communication.
In a rather incongruous case involving the web authoring tool and Excel® matrices, the media files used as possible responses for the Sushi Game activity were linked to each other in the translations: as soon as we changed one in one language, it was changed in other active translations. Now all of these images are independent of each other and can be changed without any unwanted effects...
...For the record, to encounter this incongruous case, here is what it took: 1 / Create a Sushi Game in the web authoring tool, in a single language with images as answers. 2 / Export the content as an Excel® file. 3 / Change the images in the web authoring tool. 4 / Create a translation from the Excel® file 5 / Do not import the original images when they are requested. 6 / Create another translation just the same way and do not import the images either. And voila: the images of the two translations were then inseparable! We admit that we did not foresee this case!
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