Availability date: 23-04-2020
Fixed issues
Because of the current global situation, more and more of you are asking us for off-the-shelf content (especially among the hundreds of our Learning Station). New learners connect to their training app for the first time and download these contents. This is how we noticed that learners who consumed ONLY off-the-shelf training courses were not counted by Mission Center as "licenses". This error had repercussions for off-the-shelf content providers (who did not see their content licenses had been consumed). We fixed this: licenses are now counted well for all learners.
Between two bug fixes, we took advantage of a coffee break to correct an alignment problem in the Mission Center, of which a client informed us: the message confirming that the password has been changed is now centered, aligned with the logo.
In the communications administration page, the icon representing the number of comments on a communication was absent despite the confinement. It is back. And as we are nice, we did not fined it.
In a Mobile Course activity, on a "flash card" (the two-sided one), when a "text" block was used and left empty, publication was still possible, though it generated a hidden error which had the annoying consequence of causing the mobile app to crash. We have prevented this from happening again.
For some of our customers in China, videos were sometimes not displayed on Apple devices, whereas they were on the web application and on Android. We have put an end to this discrimination: owners of iPhones®, iPad®, etc. can now play these videos as much as the others.
Since our Excel® design matrices and web authoring tool are compatible, the line breaks (obtained by combining the "Shift" + "Enter" keys) in the text blocks were not always displayed as desired in applications. They now are: you should be able to create the margins of your dreams in your training content. Enjoy!
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