Availability date: 02-04-2020
Fixed issues
Among our customers using our Freecaster integration (to broadcast their videos anywhere in the world), some have encountered issues with their videos. This actually came from the way these videos were encoded. We have made our integration more robust to overcome this problem.
Teach on Mars applications can be translated into many languages. In the Mission Center, it could sometimes be difficult to find a given language, its name being written in the language itself (for example: عربي for Arabic or 中国 人 for Chinese). We have added the language code (for example AR for Arabic and ZH for Chinese) right next to it, to find which language we are actually talking about.
In training courses and communications, video subtitles have experienced some problems lately. We fixed them and they work perfectly again, on our three platforms: iOS, Android and Web.
- Finally, image files named "0" (for example: 0.png, 0.jpg ...) used as media in educational activities were not displayed correctly in the application. This has been fixed.
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