Video type communication allows you to create and structure a communication highlighting a video. Communication can be used for content on YouTube, DailyMotion, etc. but also for your videos.
How to create an video-type communication item from the Mission Center ?
1. Choose "Video" as the communication type
Click on Video. Video is the second communication-type available
2. Choose your target
Select your recipients by choosing one of the 3 available options:
- Send to all learners (checked by default)
- Refine with filters (to send your communication to a group of learners from your custom fields)
- Refine with emails/logins (to send to a list of learners)
3. Choose your language of publication (edition)
You can now set a default language for your communications and manage translations directly in the Languages section.
Read the article on management of languages in articles.
4. Header section
The title of a communication can contain up to 90 characters. Make it as engaging as possible. Why not personalize it with the first name of your learners for example?
Note: Adding a title is mandatory - you cannot publish or save your communication if it is not completed.
5. Content section
Add the video:
- You can paste the link to a video hosted on the web (YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Vimeo) in the Paste a video URL field
- OR you can simply Choose a file saved on your computer in the Upload a video file field. If you choose this second option, the file must be in MP4, with 720p resolution and a maximum weight of 50MB.
This communication type is ideal for mobile, but the video cannot be seen in offline mode.
If you think your video is too heavy and takes too long to load in the Mission Center, in this article you will find out how to reduce its size.
- You can Add a custom thumbnail image to the video. If you do not add one, the default thumbnail will be displayed.
- You can insert a short description (limited to 140 characters) in the A description that will be displayed on the Wall field.
6. Home Banner section
To display your communication on the Wall Slider / Home banner, simply check the corresponding box Display this communication on the home banner.
Once the box is checked, integrate a 750 x 545 pixel image by drag and drop or by clicking on the designated area to browse your computer. Use the Mission Center's built-in zoom-in/zoom-out feature to easily manage the size and rendering of your image.
7. Options section
To finish, select the options for your communication:
- Allow learners to share this communication (Allow sharing)
The sharing feature allows your learners to share the communication on their own social networks.
An example of Video communication.
- Allow learners to like this communication (Allow likes)
Enabling the "like" allows your learners to express their interest in a particular communication by clicking on the "heart" icon associated with that communication.
- Allow learners to comment this communication (Allow comments)
Get your learners to react to a communication by enabling comments. All learners who see the communication will be able to comment on it and react to other learners' comments.
More about comments on Wall communications
- Use push to notify your learners (Notify yours learners via push notification)
Want your learners to be automatically notified of your communication? Send them a push notification! By default, the title of the communication is added as the text of the push notification. If you prefer, you can edit it to choose your own text of up to 200 characters.
Make this text as engaging as possible! When learners click on the notification, they will be automatically directed to your communication.
- customization of communications does not apply to push notifications.
- by allowing the sharing of your communications, they become public and accessible to all, be careful not to authorize the sharing of sensitive information.
- options Share/Like/Comments can only be modified in the default language, before and after publishing of the communication.
- the Push notification can only be enabled in the default language but the notification text can be translated in each translation language. Once the communication sent, it is no more possible to enable/disable this option, even if the default language. The notification texts always remain visible for the record.
Need to translate your article? Start by saving it as a draft. You can then handle its translation directly online.
Once everything is ready, just click on Send to get your article straight to your learners!
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