You can now customize by adding the learner's information:
- your communications
- a text in an activity (with the Web authoring tool)
- a weblink type activity
- a weblink type communication
1. Customize your activities (with the Web authoring tool)
Create an activity (ie. Mobile Course).
In a to be filled field, simply type $( and the different elements of customization will be proposed to you, you can click to select the one you wish to use (see point 1).
2. Customize a web link type activity
In the same way, it is possible to customize the URLs in the Web Link type of communications and the Web link type activities, in order to direct the learners towards specific pages.
For example, $ (LANGUAGE) can display a page in the language of the learner. Thanks to $ (LOGIN) or $ (LEARNER_ID), you can imagine displaying a personal profile. By typing $ (the list of customization options appears:
3. Customize a Web link type communication
Refer to point 3 above.
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