Note: the Mission Center renames the media with a unique identifier when it is loaded, it is mandatory for the export and import of good media with good content
Select the Module and edit the Activity
A new window appears offering the possibility to Browse file:
For each added image, you have two options:
- Zoom option, allows the learner to zoom the image,
- Full option will display the image on the whole screen.
To add a video, an audio extract or a PDF document, just select the right item:
- Add video
- Add audio
- Add document
1.1. How to replace a media in a training course created with the Webauthoring tool?
a) replace an image
On mouse-hovering the image, click on and a new window will appear allowing you to browse your files on the computer to select another image.
b) remplace a video
In the upper left corner of the Video insert, click and select Change video source. A new window will appear allowing you to browse your files on the computer in order to select another video.
1.2. How to replace / add a media in a training course previously created using Excel® templates?
Click on the Upload / Download button, then select Manage media
A new window will open and you will see all the current or expected media (.srt, vignettes). A simple drag and drop will allow the integration, it will overwrite media with the same name. Example, if a media (my-image.jpg) is referenced in several places (whether in the default language or in one or more translations), all occurrences will be replaced
2. Use of Excel® activity templates
Note: if you modify a media, all media with the same name will be replaced, even in the translations
Select the Module and edit the Activité for which you would like to manage media. Click on Media :
You will be able to:
- drag / drop the media you would like to upload.
- download an existing media
- delete an existing media Remove
The Teach on Mars solution can host three types of media in training course activities but also PDF files. These media have certain restrictions, here they are:
File format: MP3
Definition: 128kbps
Naming convention in Excel activity templates:
[media:my-audio.mp3] where my-audio = the name of your audio file
File formats: JPG / JPEG / PNG
Definition: width: 768 Pixels / height: free
Remark: For illustrations, prefer Landscape layout. Images must be in RGB and not in CMYK, 72px resolution.
Naming convention in Excel® activity templates:
[media:my-image.jpg] or my-image.jpg in a column only hosting an image*
My-image = name of your image file
Note: *some columns in the Excel® activity templates are specific MEDIA columns and therefore do not require the use of [media:] tags, you just have to write my-image.jpg
File format: MP4 in h.264
Definition: 720p recommended
Naming convention in Excel activity templates:
[media:my-video.mp4] where my-video = Name of your video file
Note : The video files must not exceed 80MB. Read the article "How to manage videos in training course activities?"
File formats: PDF
Naming convention in Excel activity templates:
[media:my-doc.pdf] where my-doc = the name of your PDF file
Only the alphanumeric characters (a-zA-Z0-9), underscore (_), dash (-) and period (.) are allowed for media naming. Spaces or accents in media names are no longer allowed as from April 30, 2020.
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