It may happen that when opening your export file, all the data is in one line, or that special characters are not correctly displayed.
The problem is that the file opens without using UTF-8 encoding, so the content is badly interpreted.
How to modify the file?
If you do not find how to set Excel® to force it to open in UTF-8, the easiest way is:
1) Open the csv file with a simple text editor (Notepad, TextEdit, Text Wrangler, Sublime Text ...), you can now check if the characters are correctly displayed
2) Open a new Excel® document
3) Copy/Paste all the csv file content opened in your text editor in the first cell (A1) of the Excel® document.
How to convert my file?
1) Select the first column A (in which is all the content that has been pasted)
2) Click Data / Convert
3) A popup opens, click Next then Choose the separator "semicolon" in the 2nd window, then End
4) Everything is correctly tabulated, and the good characters have been preserved.
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