Through this page you will find all the metrics regarding the usage of your wall.
CO1. Bookmarks - enables you to know how many of your communication where bookmarked
CO2. Comments - enables you to know how many comments have been made
CO3. Likes - enables you to know how many likes have been made on your communications
CO4. Shares - enables you to know how many shares have been made
CO5. Viewed articles (avg) - On average, a user has viewed/ read X training courses. This is calculated on the number of users who had an viewed an article on the wall
CO6. Time spent per article (avg- sec) - On average, a user who has consulted an article on a wall spent X second on each article
CO7. Total time spent on articles (mn) - This represents the total time spent on the articles in minutes.
CO8. Learners using the wall - This represents the number of unique users who have add an interaction with the wall (like, share, comments, article viewed, bookmark)
CO9. Wall Usage Rate (%) - this represents the number of users of the wall on the period divided by the number of users having access to the wall on this period.
CO10. Graphique sans titre - represents the monthly evolution of different social interactions with the wall ( Bookmarks, likes, shares, comments)
CO11. Wall interactions (details) - This chart provides you a summary of each communication per type regarding its likeness by the users.
- Publication date
- Type of communication (Article, Duel - hidden by default with the Communication type filter, images, training courses, video, web links)
- Title of the communication
- Audience represents the number of users who received this communication.
- Bookmarks - number of users who bookmarked the communication
- Comment - number of users who commented this communication
- Like- number of users who liked the communication
- Share - number of users who shared the communication (for each share)
- View - number of time an article has been viewed (can be viewed multiple time per learner)
- Unique view - same visualisation as the Mission Center.
This chart can be exported by clicking on the 3 dots in the right side of the chart.
Wall interactions (time)
Please note that time is displayed in UTC and the upper filters are not filtering these visuals. (Communication type, publication date, event type)
CO12. Wall interactions (Hours UTC) - This graphic enables you to see at what time of the day your users are having interactions with your wall.
CO13. Wall interactions (Days) - This graphics enables you to see which day of the week your users are having interactions with your wall.
CO14. Graphique sans titre - This chart summarizes, which day and at what time your users are having most of their interactions with the wall.
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