Period : This can be changed once and his applied on each of the different dashboards.
Filters : Available for all the dashboards for meta-data. You have specific filters for some Dashboards. You can as well filter a specific graphic KPI, using the filter function (always in the right corner).
Excel Export : You can export all the chart of the Dashboards on Excel (special mention for non connected users on the Learners Dashboard)
Export : You can export your Dashboards on PDF & Powerpoint.
Time : All the time displayed on the Dashboards are UTC
Completed training courses : Surveys are not included
Some KPI from pasts months are changing, is this normal?
Yes, this is a normal behavior! The application is having off line capabilities. This means that when a learner is finishing an activity while not connected to any network, the statistics are saved in the app. If the app is closed, the statistics are kept until he opens it again with network connectivity. Then all statistics are sent back to the Mission Center with the date and time of the activity's completion.
Key Performance Indicators
H1. App Usage by month - This graphic enables you to know month by month the usage of your app. Number of users on the wall only (interactions + read of articles) / Number of users who have launched at least an activity / Number of users on the wall and on training / Number of not connected learners
H2. Cumulative App Usage - This graphic enables you to know on a period the usage of your app.
- Number of users on the wall only (interactions + read of articles)
- Number of users who have launched at least an activity
- Number of users on the wall and on training
- Number of not connected learners on learning objects
CAVEAT. This widget is taking into account all objects including those deleted. It's not sensible to 'Include object filter".
H3. Activities (Avg) - Provides you the average of activities consulted per learner. This is calculated on the number of users who consulted a training course/ launched an activity.
H4. Wall interactions (avg) - On average a user has X interactions with your communications (example : 2 readings of an article, 3 likes of communication type video, 1 share of image, 2 bookmarks of videos) -This is calculated on the number of users who have used the wall.
H5. Learning Objects (avg) - On average a user has consulted X Learning Object (1 Learning Object = 1 activity in a training or 1 article- reading)- This is calculated on the number of users who have used the wall and/or consulted a training course.
H6. Starting training courses (avg) On average, a learner has launched X training courses. This is calculated on the number of users who consulted a training course/ launched an activity.
H7. Completed Training courses (avg) On average, a learner has completed X training courses. This is calculated on the number of users who consulted a training course/ launched an activity.
H8. CHANNEL - Enables you to know what kind of Operating systems your learners are using. This enables you to know if your learners are multi-channel (using the Webapp, the app). Please note that , once a learners enters a channel, he will remain in this channel. This visualization is based only on training courses activities and not on communications.
H9. TOTAL Time Spent - Time spent on Trainings and on articles in hours. By clicking on the different parts of the donuts, you can get the amount of hours spent on Communication or Trainings
H10. Average Time Spent - On average a user who has connected spent X minutes. By going over the different parts of the donuts, you can get the average amount of minutes spent on Communication (based on users reading articles) or Trainings per active users.
The number inside represent the cumul in minutes of both training and communications.
H11. Learners per number of visited learning objects (articles viewed or activities played)
This widget reflects the number of all learners accessing learning objects during the month. These learners are classified by the number of objects seen. This includes articles viewed and activities played. (activities and articles can be counted several times if viewed or played several times). The total number of learners per month shown at the top of each bar reflects the number of learners connected in the H1 widget.
In addition, this widget is now able to show Quarters and Years hierarchy (v1.3 - January 2021)
What is my dashboard last update ?
You can see at the bottom left of your home page, when happened the last activity in the app. All activities after that date are not included in the report. Last refresh is when Power BI has fetch the data.
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