1. The Teach on Mars App allows to collect several statistics
They are stored in the Teach on Mars databases. They are partly offered on the statistics page of your Mission Center (read the article "What are the general statistics of the app?") but also used anonymously as trend curves.
- Parameters for defining the learner accounts selected and given by the clients / learners, none of which is mandatory: last name, first name, e-mail, ...
- Learner data when completing a training session:
- Location: time zone - Internet connection type : wifi, offline, 3G, 4G etc. - Phone brand + software version - Phone language - Teach on Mars App language - Audio mode (vibrator, alarm, etc.)
- Data linked to Teach on Mars training courses:
- Answers given by the learner to training activities questions
- Learner account status : active <> inactive
- For each of the training activities done by the learner:
- Time spent (secondes) - Progress (percentage) - Score (percentage) - Success (boolean) - Acquired points
2. List of data exchanged with the Statistical reporting app
Among the stored data listed above, only the following data is offered to the managers of the training courses:
- Settings for defining learner accounts
- Data linked to training courses
3. Data storage: Why? For who? Where?
Data are stored:
- Partly on the learner's phone, in this case nobody can access it
- In the secure Teach on Mars data center, in this case:
- | The customer can access the data via the statistical reporting application |
- | Teach on Mars IT can also access it |
4. Data volume unchanged
The volume of data depends on the consumption that the user makes of the App, as well as the amount of content embedded in the App.
However, data consumption is low, as it is only a text data exchange which in the vast majority of cases will not exceed a few megabytes.
Note: there is no interaction. The data is used for educational purposes and is not published on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
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