You have the possibility to limit in time the access to training courses contents according to various criteria. This can be done through the import registrations, which should not be mixed with the learners import.
The Import registrations allows to enroll in a training course learners who are not in the Mission Center yet, from a CSV file. You can download a CSV template file in the Mission Center (read the article "How to enroll learners in a training course?").
You can download a sample CSV file by clicking on import-access.csv.
To limit the access, in this file, it is necessary to fill the "accessSince" and "accessUntil" columns for each learner in the list.
The first column corresponds to the date on which the access begins. The second one corresponds to the date on which the access ends.
Once completed, drag and drop your file or click on Choisir un fichier to be able to browse through your files. Select your CSV file and click on Open.
Note: If you wish to use your own Excel file, read the article "How to import a learners list?" to learn more on saving and format modalities.
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