Availability date: 28-11-2019
Fixed Issues
In some cases, Survey activity data has been interfering with Challenges' statistical exports. It will not happen again!
If you have ever created a Mobile Course via an Excel Design Matrix, uploaded the associated media, then returned directly to the training page without closing the media window and then publishing the training, then you had to encounter an error! We had not planned that you could do that. Now we did!
If you are using Freecaster, you may have encountered errors in translations of activities containing a video. Please know that we have fixed this.
In the Mission Center, on the learner management page, it was no longer possible to enroll a learner in a training session via the "Register for a training" button. It's fixed.
Before, when a learner had no avatar and was in the top 3 of the rankings page, an error appeared in the Mission Center error logs. Now this error is no longer raised.
Finally, we improved the performance of some Mission Center background tasks related to learner management (for example, the association of learners with Managers for the Manager add-on). This will be significant if your Mission Center has a lot of learners (processing times can decrease from an hour to 3 minutes!)
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