Publication date: 2019-10-17
Fixed issues
If you use off-the-shelf content (from our Learning Station for instance), you probably know the "Publisher" page in the application (which gives information about the training course publisher). Sometimes, this page did not properly refresh. It now works.
On the "Generated Licenses" page of the Mission Center (which appears when you use off-the-shelf training), the training course title was not updated when edited by the publisher. It is now corrected.
To define the audience of a communication, if one changed the filter before saving the communication (as a draft), the new filter was not correctly saved. It's now corrected.
Before, when an off-the-shelf content had badges enabled, it sometimes crashed the app when it was updated. It's corrected.
For the few users of the Skills Assessment activity, an error appeared in the logs and sessions were not added to the database (in stats_skills_scores). It works fine now.
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