Publication date : 2019-03-15
New features
- Live! sessions management (archive).
- Registration and access to a training course by deeplink.
(This feature is available only if deeplinks are activated on the client's solution.
In order to have it activated, please contact your Teach on Mars project manager. A new App submission will be necessary)
Fixed issues
- Apostrophes are now allowed in the login.
- Autocomplete of custom fields is now case sensitive.
- Fixed issue on ranking page of a training course.
- A Training course communication can be done if the training course has already been published once, even if its current status is not "published".
- Some badges icons were missing in individual report page.
- Adding an accent to French badge "Activité réussie".
- Fixed issue on communication date after migration.
- New manager role "Can manage publisher" is only visible when specific functionnality is available.
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