Publication date : 2021-05-18
Fixed issues
Communication titles had a limit of 65 characters, which could in fact be exceeded by up to 200 characters. However, the calculation of this limit depended on the characters used and a non-Latin character did not necessarily count as one character but rather as six after encoding. This led to unexpected behaviour when translating. We have revised this calculation which only counts the characters displayed and the limit displayed is now 200 characters (strict limit).
Deleted communications are no longer integrated into the Excel export of the communication statistics, which makes it possible to recover the figures displayed by the graph.
In the export of the statistics by training course, the calculation of the average score and success was wrong and also took into account some activities that did not return a score, which altered the average.
Only real scored activities are now taken into account. Other activities such as Mobile Course or Web Content are ignored. -
Removing a learner from an access rule by email or login did not always remove their access. This has been corrected.
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