- In dashboard 1 - Overview, a Top Categories chart has been added
- You can access the disengaged learners list by clicking on the KPI % of Disengaged Learners in the dashboard 2 - App Engagement
- The KPIs at the top of dashboard 3 - Training Courses have been reviewed :
- The KPI Avg Training courses per Learner has been placed alongside the KPI Total available Training courses
- A new Training course Completion rate KPI has been added. The number of Training course starts and the number of Training course completions have been placed with this new KPI
- The other KPIs have been moved
- In dashboard 4 - Activities, several enhancements were made :
- by clicking on the # of Starts metric in the details table, you access the list of learners who have launched the activity. In this list, which is the same as in the details table of dashboard 5 - Trained Learners, the language in which the activity was launched has been added
- a chart on average time by type of activity has been added
- a chart on the completion rate by type of activity has been added
- In dashboard 5 - Trained Learners, the login has been added to the top learners graphs, so that the statistics of two learners with the same first and last names are not aggregated
- In dashboard 6 - Social & Wall, a % of Wall Learners KPI has been added to show the proportion of learners using the Wall among the connected learners
- Communications with no publication date are now ignored, as they were inflating the audience. These communications corresponded to unsent scheduled communications and template. As a template can be created from a communication, it can keep his audience
- In the «Training Courses» and «Training Courses + Registrations» exports, the training category has been added
- We've worked on the colors of the graphs to bring coherence according to the metrics.
N.B : if you have a premium package and have given your customized colors, the logic is preserved, but the colors will not be the same- Start / Trained : blue
- Complete / Completion : orange
- Succeed / Success : pink
- Time Spent / Progression : green
- Score : red
- A French beta translation is now available
New metric
- # of Training courses available - All Time : See below
- The « # of Available Training courses - All Time » metric counted the distinct number of training courses available. For example, if we used this metric by learner custom fields to find out the total number of training courses available for the whole population of a country, the metric only counted one per training course. This metric was renamed « # of different Training courses available - All Time » and a true « # of Available Training courses - All Time » metric was created
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