Editor's note: If the current version of your Mission Center does not appear in the list, this may be due to a slight delay in updating this article.
It may also occur because this version only includes the update of an internal component of our solution, and the sharing in the version history would be of no interest to our readers. For example, in case of a technical library update required for optimal Mission Center operation.
Release 3.14.6 - 2/20/2024
- SAML certificate modification.
Release 3.14.5 - 2/13/2024
- Automatic translation would generate an error when special characters were present in the content, as Deepl was unable to interpret the information sent. Mission Center version 3.14.5 solves this issue.
Note: For this fix to be applied to existing content, the text containing a special character must be updated in WebAuthoring.
Release 3.14.1 - 1/31/2024
- SAML certificate modification.
- The training courses that were supposed to be accessible in Guest mode were not, and the learners concerned saw only empty categories. This is not how we see a guest, so we've corrected this.
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