General principle
The Wall Publisher add-on enables an administrator to create and publish communications directly from his application.
Thanks to a specific role assigned to him in the Mission Center, the manager can access this add-on in his application, after linking his manager account to his learner account.
They can create article-type communications, save them as drafts, edit them, publish them, archive them, duplicate them and delete them.
In this way, the manager can cover an event live, or prepare a draft communication that can be fine-tuned and sent at a later date.
What the Wall Publisher add-on includes
- A new manager role "can access the Wall Publisher add-on".
- Creation and publication of articles (no scheduling)
- The ability to add content: title, text, image, video, web link
- Choice of options to activate: Like, Comments, Push Notification
- Save an article as a draft
- All communications created with the Wall Publisher add-on can be retrieved with your account.
- Archive a communication from the Wall Publisher add-on
- The ability to duplicate, edit or delete a communication created on the Wall Publisher add-on
- The ability to find communications created on the Wall Publisher add-on in the Mission Center, with an "In-App" tag.
How do you integrate the Wall Publisher add-on into your application?
If you are interested in the Wall Publisher add-on, please ask your account manager or CSM for a demonstration.
The Wall Publisher add-on is an optional paid feature, so activation on your instance is subject to the signature of an order form.
Once the feature has been activated on your instance (Mission Center and application sides), you can give your managers the dedicated role, and they will be able to access the add-on from their application, provided their manager account is connected to their learner account.
To find out more about integration procedures and costs, please contact your account manager.
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