In this article, find out how to manage your events before, during and after. Find out what you can and can't do.
1 / Before an event starts
Once your event has been created, it appears in the "Your events" section of the Event add-on home page.
When you click on it, you can find the event details, including a status report on responses to your invitation:
- the number of people who accepted the invitation
- the number of people who saw the invitation but didn't respond
- the number of people who declined the invitation - and therefore won't be attending the event.
Before an event begins, you can also:
duplicate the event: you then copy all the event details, and can modify the information as you wish.
Note: your duplicated event is a new event. You will therefore need to distribute its specific invitation link to make it accessible to learners.
edit an event: the title, the description, the language, the dates and time or the time of event.
Note: please note that to date, no notification is sent to learners who have accepted the invitation to inform them that the event has been modified.
delete the event
Note: please note that to date, no notification is sent to learners who have accepted the invitation to inform them that the event has been cancelled.
see the guest list
Note: this is the list of people who have clicked on the invitation. Among these users, you'll have details of the learners who accepted or declined the invitation, as well as those who didn't respond. In the case of an event with a maximum capaacity, you'll also know who is on the waiting list, and in what order.
2 / During the event
As soon as the event has started - depending on the date, time and time zone specified - your event is "in progress".
Note: from the start of the event, your learners will no longer be able to accept or decline the invitation.
You still can:
- duplicate the event
- see the guest list
You can no longer:
- edit the event
- delete the event
You now can:
- check attendance at your event, i.e. declare who attended and who did not show up, as well as the actual event time. It is this time that will be reflected in the statistics.
Note: once you've checked attendance of an event, it's no longer possible to modify what has been declared. Please note that the presence check can be performed during or after the end of the event.
3 / After checking attendance
Once attendance has been confirmed, your event is still in progress, although you can no longer modify it.
You can now:
- export the timesheet, i.e. the information confirmed during the attendance check. You'll find the list of learners who have seen the invitation with their attendance status, and for those present, the event time as defined during the attendance check.
4 / After the end of the event
If you haven't already verified attendance during the event, you can do so after the event has finished.
Once you've done so, your event will simply go into your past events section.
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