Publication date : 2023-07-04
- The format of emails sent when a manager requests a password reset has been modified to make them less sensitive to anti-spam software.
- The platform does not support special characters (other than alphanumeric, hyphens, dots and underscores) in file names contained in a Scorm archive. However, the Mission Center did not prevent them from being uploaded, which led to failures when the learner downloaded the course. This is no longer the case, and the upload of such archives is now rejected, with an information message.
Fixed issues
- An explicit error message is now displayed when attempting to publish a learning path containing an untitled course.
- When uploading a new certificate, a new check has been added to ensure that the file does not exceed the maximum size of 20 MB.
- Archived metadata are now correctly removed from certificates issued after archiving.
- In some cases where translations were added to a course, a message incorrectly indicated that videos were being transcoded, preventing the course from being published. This is now fixed.
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