The "Mission Center Analytics" offer, included in the cost of licences, includes six different dashboards.
Note: you can drill down information in some of the insights of the dashboards by clicking on them. The insights where you can drill down are underlined.
1 - Overview
The Overview is the homepage of your Mission Center. This page aims to give you a snapshot of the state of your app with just a few KPIs. These KPIs are focused on your App's deployment and on your learners global behaviour.
2 - App Engagement
The App Engagement dashboard is divided into two sections:
- the Overall Learners Engagement: where you can analyze the distribution of your learners between the connected, the new learners or those who have not connected for a while.
- the Engagement on Training courses: where you can measure the commitment of your learners on the training courses you offer them.
3 - Training Courses
The Training Courses dashboard is divided into two sections:
- the Training courses Overview: where you can evaluate the quality and success of your training based on your learners' data. What are the most popular courses? Are your learners keeping up with your publications?
- the Training courses Details: where you can analyze detailed statistics on each of your published courses.
4 - Activities
The Activities dashboard is divided into two sections:
- the Activities Overview: where you can go further in the analysis of your training by deciphering the results of your learners on the activities they contain. What are your “best seller” activities? Do you think the degree of difficulty of your activities is adequate given the performance of your learners?
- the Activities Details: where you can discover detailed statistics for each of the activities in your catalog.
5 - Social & Wall
The Social & Wall dashboard is divided into three sections:
- Wall Interactions Overview: where you can discover the statistics relating to the social aspect of your application: measure the commitment of your learners on Wall communications, and note the preferences of your learners to deduce good practices.
- Communications Details: where you can dig the details of each published communications for broader reports
- Articles Interactions: where you can focus on the use and views of Articles.
6 - Learners
The Learners dashboard is divided into two sections:
- the Learners Performance Overview: where you can find the statistics of your application from the point of view of your learners. Discover your top performers via learner rankings.
- the Learners Details: here you have the possibility to analyze and download the statistics of your learners.
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